At, your privacy is our priority and we are committed to safeguarding the interest of those who browse our website. We assure you that any information collected is not shared with any third party except when express approval is taken.

Subject to the above, please see below the following privacy policy document to guarantee you that information provided from your end will not be misused.

What kind of information do we collect? collects, stores, and uses the following kinds of information:

  • Name, date of birth, email address, phone number for the purpose of registering with our website.
  • Information that is gathered for the purpose of purchasing gift cards, signing up for email notifications, or our newsletter/pamphlets.
  • Information that is generated in the course of your using our website, including the timing, clicks, preferences, address of ISP, etc. We gather this information by using “cookies” and do not share the same with any third party. This information is not traced to the individual customer, and thus specific user identification is not done. You have the option of refusing to accept cookies on our website, and we do not take responsibility for the reduction in usability of the website due to blocking/deletion of cookies.
  • Information relating to any purchase you make from our website, including shipping details and nearest landmark, products chosen, contact information, etc.
  • Card details are collected subsequent to the placing of an order and are protected by the highest standard of encryption (mention the form of encryption used by you to ensure safety). guarantees that there will be no unauthorized access to the data or computer of the person browsing our website without the permission of the owner.

Persons providing personal information will always have access to the information they have provided so that the same can be reviewed and edited by them.

We maintain the confidentiality of any password created by the user as well as the card details entered on our website.

What is the purpose of collecting the information?

The information collected on our website will be used for the purpose of processing orders, shipping products, supplying information via email and pamphlets, customer service, administration and personalization of our website, commercial communications, and seeking clarifications regarding your order, etc.

We also use the information you have provided to send you marketing communications via email after obtaining your consent. You can unsubscribe from the email list in case you want to be removed from the list for this communication, and the option for the same is given in the email. If you wish to be removed from our postal list, kindly contact us via email.

Sharing information with third parties

We do not share any information with any third party unless express consent has been taken or as provided under this policy.

At times, our website may have links to other websites. We do not take responsibility for the contents of these third-party websites, and it is advisable you review the privacy policies of these websites separately.

We reserve the right to disclose the personal information collected by us to the extent we are required to do so under applicable law.

Steps taken by to ensure online shopping security

All our website financial transactions are handled through our payment services provider “Razorpay” and you can review their privacy policy at this link -

Retaining personal information

Personal information collected on our website is not stored with us for longer than what is necessary for the transaction.

We reserve the right to store any data that we are required to do so under a valid law.

We also reserve our right to store any document or information that we feel is needed for any legal purposes/proceedings.

In case there is any doubt regarding this policy, please contact us using the official contact details provided on our website.